Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The end of the beginning

I'm at home. As soon as I tuck the girls in bed, I'm heading back to the hospital. Something of a reality check for me. This is the first time since Saturday that I'm actually sitting at home between the hours of 9AM and midnight. So, it's day 4, and probably time to start thinking of getting life to a more normal routine. Whatever that's going to be from now on.

Anyway, another good day, all-in-all. He's much more alert, they even removed his restraints until he promptly pulled out the feeding tube. Score one for the feisty stroke victim. I told him funny stories today and he smiled. Well, semi-smiled. As close as he can get with one side of his face, the tube, lots of confusion, etc.

I left the hospital for lunch today. The guys in Norman will laugh when I point out that it was a Ted's day. That means lots of margarita goodness for me.

I need to go to work tomorrow. I need some sense of normal again. I have a three hour meeting scheduled from 9am to noon. I'm not sure I need THAT much normal.

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